Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kids Yoga

Yogi's!! I just spent my weekend learning to teach children yoga. All the posses and breathing are all geared to children. It was very challenging but a lot of fun! I learned over 100 age appropriate kid-friendly posses, games & themes. Along with age appropriate breathing techniques, stress management and relaxation skills for children. In the fall I will be offering "KID"S YOGA" from ages 5 to 13 years. The classes will be structured, safe and fun, they will develop wellness and health. Don't be surprised if some of my adult classes see some fun kid postures!! In the end I am now certified to teach children's yoga!! Namaste

Monday, March 16, 2009

Open & Renew with Spring!

Spring is just around the corner and everything will be reborn! It is a good time to open yourself up and take a big breath of what the universe is giving us. You can start by trying one new thing a week, a month, whatever is best for you. A good place to start is meditation. If you think that it is overwhelming than start small. We have to take baby steps before we can take the big step. Make a list of things you need to open yourself up to. Whether they are things you want to do, things you want to try or things you want to change. For example if meditation is something you would like to do; try sitting in stillness for one minute a week, before you know it, in a month you will have begun a spiritual practice. Maybe you want to go deeper into a yoga posture or practice in general; go early to class and ask your teacher to guide you. Another step, which is an important one, is surrounding yourself with friends who are sharing the same path. It will help you bring yourself into a grander vision of what life can be. Namaste Cyn

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Namaste Yogini's!

Welcome to the new web-site for Cynusura Yoga! My very talented son in-law, Thor, has worked diligently and creatively to make this possible. I feel very honored and much loved that he has given me this gift. It is truly awesome! Words can not describe my appreciation. I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

I hope that this blog will be a helpful tool to deepen your practice whether it is yoga, meditation or both. I will be posting weekly meditations, quotes and postures. My hope is that through these practices both on and off the mat that we will all begin to acquire a happier, healthier life for ourselves and those around us. I welcome your thoughts, questions and ideas so please feel free.

Peace & Light always Cyn