Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Moving Prayer or Intention

Setting an intention to your practice brings on a whole new meaning. While practicing:
sun-salutations set your intention and/or prayer(example: enjoy simple pleasures, to not react but to act calmly, for a sick family member or friend, etc.)This practice is done at a very slow pace making sure that you are in the present and mindful of each breath. Moving the breath, the body and spirit.

To begin stand in Tadasana (Mountain)bring hands to Anjali Mudra(prayer hands in front of your heart) closing your eyes take a moment to set your intention and/or prayer. Keep your intention and/or prayer in your mind as you move through the sun-salutations.

Lifting hands/arms above your head show Gratitude to the Father swan dive down to Utanasana (forward bend hands to feet)as you Bow to the Mother come to Arda Utanasana (hands on chines)look up to Honor the Child lunge one leg at a time to Kumbhakasana (plank) as you Acknowledge the earth then to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog)and Open heart to the Heavens coming into Ado Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog)as you Acknowledge the power of self. Coming back into Tadasana. Repeat

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