Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Life and Spirit

Appreciate your life. When we look at our life without gratitude we can't appreciate how it's all trying to come together to get us to the next place. We get angry, sad and even sorry for ourselves when something just didn't go as we planned instead of looking at it as an opportunity to see what it is trying to teach us. We need to realize that we are special. Every life, especially our own, has something to offer even through it may not always seem that way. Our real job is to figure that out.

We need to try harder to let our spirit resolve issues with adversaries. If we can only see how that person has helped us grow, we can learn about ourselves and discover why we were meant to know that person. We need to listen to our spirit when it is letting us know we have a sacred contract with another person. You know what I'm talking about, that feeling inside that tells you "I know you" or "I don't want to know you"! We need to let it sink in, feel the energy and then do what is right for ourselves. This helps our spirit grow.

We need to know ourselves better. Lack of self-understanding and direction can lead to emotional stress, depression or illness. Knowing ourselves is not only important to our mind, bodies and spirit. But others around us as well.

It is not what we get out of life that makes us happy. It is what we give in life that brings us the true spirit of happiness! Knowing ourselves, trusting our spirit helps us live our life to the fullest.

Om Shanti Cyn

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